Hyde’s Lovelies is the freelance graphic design, animation and art of Bret Syfert

Independent Lettering & Title Design

Here is a selection of my commissioned lettering, title design and logo identities for independent artists, businesses and organisations. After we finish developing these marks together, I love watching how clients find their own creative uses for them in the real world.

Hip Hop Fundamentals independent organisation custom logo brand identity 
Lu & Aug's Ice Cream custom logo brand identity
Fatnice artist custom logo brand identity
Mr. Sonny James artist custom logo brand identity 
Serval artist custom logo brand identity
Pédiatrie Des Falaises custom logo brand identity

Los Gallos marca de club de fútbol (custom logo brand identity) 
Soul Is My Salvation: Tone B. Nimble mixtape series custom lettering identity
Metalheadz: Paradox record series custom lettering identity 
The Hood Lockers independent organisation custom logo brand identity 
Observer Food Monthly Awards campaign custom lettering identity 
Black Duke artist custom lettering identity