You Don't Have To Go Home, But... (Title Animation)
This Blackstar Film Festival featured documentary by Aidan Un is an ode to dancing bodies, a grimy love letter to Philadelphia, a story about what to do when the DJ has played the last song, the club’s lights have come on and you gotta go . . . somewhere. Following three dancers at different stages of their lives, with legendary Philly dance party Second Sundae as backdrop, this documentary film examines the possibility of spiritual fulfilment in a socioeconomic configuration that ultimately doesn’t value the practices that make us free.
Title, credits and classic footage animations by Bret Syfert (@hydeslovelies). Thank you to Aidan Un for trusting my vision of his vision. Thank you to Steve Believe for the introduction and support. To be a creative contributor to this intimate portrayal of the Philadelphia dance scene so many years after being born from it was a gratifying gift in itself.
I modelled the hand written and animated credits at the end of the film on the Tallhand Punchline font created by myself and Curve (@the_curvazoid), an appropriate choice due to the Second Sundae event's long standing use of our Tallhand fonts in their promotions.
Tickets for live screenings and home streamings: